Joining a small group is similar to taking on a 1-credit class. Members are placed in a five-man, in-person accountability group that meets weekly. They are also matched with an accountability partner on their campus that is at a similar stage in their journey with lust.
Ethos members also read a daily 5 minute reading from authors such as Jason Evert, Matt Fradd, and Ethos founder Josh Haskell.
There are two current talks that our founder, Joshua Haskell offers. He graduated in 2024 as 1 of 5 valedictorian finalists at The University of Notre Dame, and now he is dedicating his career to freeing men on college campuses from the prison of sexual addiction.
Haskell is working full-time in the movement to free men from the bondage of porn. His messages include men's talks as well as events for parents about building a safe home environment. To book a speaking event, please email jtran5@nd.edu.


Vulnerability is Strength
Audience: Students, Men's Conferences, Parishes
Time: 45 minutes
Haskell discusses why authentic accountability is the solution for living a pure life. He compares sexual addiction to a bullet wound — you can’t be healed unless you let an operator see your injury. Through his personal story, antecdote from his experience in Ascend, and Catholic teaching, Haskell motivates men to take this courageous step toward healing.

Protecting Your Child
from Porn
Audience: Parishes and other Parent Events
Time: 45 minutes
Haskell gives recent insights into how children fall prey to pornography. He discusses their motivations, social media’s impact, and the prevalence of the issue (even in filter-protected Christian homes). He also discusses how to respond if you discover your child is viewing pornography. Haskell draws on his own experience in order to craft practical recommendations for healthy conversation. Handouts will be provided to parents for relevant resources for “pornproofing” the home.